Saturday, November 30, 2019

15 Advantages of Video Interviews You Didnt Know About

15 Advantages of Video Interviews You Didnt Know AboutTechnology has made the hiring process much mora streamlined, providing an improved experience for both bewerbungsinterviewer and job seeker alike. While interview scheduling tools can help take the back-and-forth struggle out of hiring, other software such as a platform for conducting video interviews has also helped to alleviate hiring headaches. Video interviews are becoming increasingly popular among businesses of various sizes. They are especially useful during the initial stages of screening candidates, saving valuable time and resources and streamlining the hiring process. Here is a look at the reasons you should be using video interviews1. Ease the scheduling burden.When youre trying to bring 20 candidates in for face-to-face interviews, you can end up going back and forth via email for days, or even weeks, trying to find a time thats convenient for everyone. The scheduling arrangement becomes like a Tetris puzzle. Then yo ure trying to juggle all of the conversations and get the proper personnel to sit in on the interviews. Needless to say, this becomes both time-consuming and stressful. Video interviews relieve much of the headache associated with this aspect of the hiring process, as it allows the candidate to answer questions when its convenient for them. Then the hiring manager and their team can watch ansicht responses when its conducive to their schedule. If unterstellung two schedules never sync up, it doesnt matter. The hiring manager is able to get a good sense of what this individual is all about. From there, they can opt to bring the person in for a face-to-face conversation if their video interview responses warrant further discussion. A greater number of candidates can be screened in less time, so more valuable time can be spent with the most qualified candidates before hiring.2.Improve performance tracking.After implementing video interviews into their hiring process, managers can take a look at their top performers and see if their video responses had anything in common. What did they talk about when they gave their replies to similar questions? What was their body language like? Where did they choose to record their interview? Use video interviewing to make a list of commonalities among top candidates.Click To TweetFrom there, they can look for commonalities that may help them choose strong candidates in the future. For example, if all the top performers seemed to have mentioned experience with a particular computer program or shared a similar professional development goal, in the future, that could be a flag to interviews when candidates show the same interests, knowledge, and potential.Being able to look back at particularly successful employees and compare that to the video screens of prospective candidates is a valuable and far more efficient performance tracking resource than old notes, compiled from the perspectives of many hiring personnel.3.Make your int erviews more consistent.As much as a hiring manager tries to ask the same questions of each candidate, it can be easy to forget to cover a particular point or to go off track. Therefore, each professional gets a different interview experience. When it comes time to determine the best fit for the role, it can be challenging to decide because there wasnt consistency during the interview process. One-way video interviewing technology helps to eliminate this issue. It makes it easy to have complete consistency across the board. You set pre-determined questions for each candidate, and therefore only have behauptung responses to compare when its decision-making time. You also have one record of the responses, so everyone involved in the hiring process has the same experience.This evens the playing field for all applicants, and it makes it easier for the hiring manager to make a better-informed decision when it comes down to the final stages of the process.4.Create a convenient interview e xperience for passive candidates.An individual might not desperately be seeking a new job, but perhaps theyre open to a new career opportunity particularly if the benefits, perks, and salary are right. However, if they have to drive across town during the workday for a formal interview, they will likely decide its too inconvenient and opts not to pursue the opportunity. Suddenly, you have lost a potentially great new hire.One-way video interviewing addresses this challenge head-on. Because of this, its become a powerful way to recruit passive job seekers. A busy full-time employee may not be able to rearrange their schedule to come in for a screening. However, they will probably have no issue with taking 15 or 20 minutes to record video interviews in the comfort of their own home. Therefore, theyre able to throw their hat in the ring and you may just find your next best hire.5. Get more insight before making big decisions.Those tasked with hiring quickly become aware of the cost as sociated with doing so, particularly when youre working with long-distance talent. If you want to bring these professionals in for an interview, you may need to fly them in, pay for meals and hotel rooms. Businesses that utilize video interviewing technology eliminate the high price point often associated with early recruiting. If you have your eye on someone who lives in another part of the world, you can invite them to take part in video interviews. Theres no need to pay for a flight and a hotel just to get a feel for what theyre about. From there, you can gauge whether its worth a more in-depth, in-person conversation, and the cost that comes with this schriftart of dialogue.6. See the candidates command over technology.Regardless of the ort for which youre hiring, you inevitably want the person who fills the role to have some degree of understanding about technology. In a subtle way, video interviewing software enables you to gauge their level of familiarity with an understandin g of technology right off the bat. If the interview they record has no audio, for example, or the picture is blurry or slanted or doesnt get recorded, you might question whether they have the capabilities necessary to accomplish other technology-based tasks that would be asked of them should they be offered the job. Not to mention, what this says of their attention to detail and preparedness.7.Reduce the amount of small talk.When a person comes in for a face-to-face interview, theres going to be some amount of time dedicated to small talk at the beginning or end of the interview. While this can be a nice way to get to know the candidate further, when the hiring manager is on a tight schedule, engaging in small talk with each of the candidates delays the process and can throw off the managers schedule, not to mention the cost of delaying filling the position sooner than later. Video interviews cut down on the amount of chit chat that happens, thus keeping the initial screening proces s succinct for both parties. Hiring managers can then devote more time to speaking in-person with the most qualified candidates, making better hires, faster and more efficiently.8.Observe body language and nonverbal cues.Some hiring managers rely on phone interviews as a way to vet candidates before deciding to bring them in for an in-person conversation. While phone interviews can be an effective way to determine whether this individual should earn an in-person interview, a phone discussion doesnt give you a real-life look at the candidate. Video interviewing enables you to see a candidates body language, facial expressions, and overall appearance. These clues can help you piece together a picture of how they would fit into your company.This visual screening gives you a better idea of how well the candidate researched your company based on how they dress for the video interview. You can also note how poised or rehearsed they appear, and if they take the time to respond thoughtfully to the questions. If they take this screening stage seriously, they may be worthy of a call back to talk face-to-face.9. Invest time and effort into the best candidates.When youre blocking out an hour for each and every potential new hire, your process becomes extremely time-consuming. This is especially true when a large majority of these people just dont have the qualifications necessary to be a good fit. Instead of wasting your time talking to people who arent even close to what youre looking for, use video interviewing software to quickly sort through and decide whos a yes, whos a no, and whos a maybe. Save face-to-face interviews for only your most qualified candidates.Click To TweetFrom there, zero in on only the most qualified individuals. Save your face-to-face time for deeper discussions with them as you reach the final stages of the hiring process. 10.Be on the cutting edge.Utilizing video interviewing technology sends a subtle yet important message to potential new hires . It shows that your firm believes in the importance of adopting new technology into its daily business practices. They know that if they accept a job with you, they wont be stuck relying on old fax machines and other outdated practices to get their work done. Those candidates who are not afraid to take on new challenges, learn new tools and technology, and advance with the company will be more apt to apply.Besides the obvious benefits for those in charge of managing the hiring process, video interviews also provide a number of perks for those seeking out career opportunities, too. Some of these benefits include11. Make your candidates more comfortable.When youre sitting across from a hiring manager (or sometimes multiple managers, if youre in a panel interview situation) theres a lot of preskoranvers to deliver a witty, intelligent response as quickly as possible. This is nerve-wracking for many job seekers, particularly if the question is challenging. The stress of the situation c an lead people to blurt out things they dont mean or stumble trying to clarify. In some instances, they may fail to deliver a response thats as eloquent as theyd like. It may not even be a true representation of their knowledge or character but there are no take-backs or re-dos in-person.Video interviews help to eliminate some of these issues. It gives an individual time to consider their response, making sure theyre saying what they mean and giving the best answer to the question posed to them. Having the opportunity to position themselves in their best light in the screening process, will give them more confidence to perform their best should they be chosen for an in-person interview later in the hiring process.12.Save the candidate from transportationheadaches.Rather than driving all over town, or even to another town, for a job interview that might not pan out, candidates can record a video interview when and where its convenient for them. Offering a video interview screening d emonstrates that you respect the candidates time and resources as well, which is more likely to appeal to a greater number of top talent.13. Enable after-hours interviewing.Many job seekers struggle to find a new career opportunity when theyre already employed because making time during the workday to head out on a job interview is a challenge, not to mention taboo. They may feel like they have to lie to their employer faking illness, doctor appointments, or client meetings to get to an interview. Video interviews give candidates time for the process without stressful work excuses.Click To TweetNot only is this stressful, but sometimes, its just not possible. Video interviewing makes it much easier to pursue new jobs since the professional can record their responses after hours or on the weekends instead of having to take time away from their current employment to have a discussion about future work.14. Let the candidate set the scene.No matter how inviting your office design is, i ts unfamiliar to candidates. There are new visual distractions and a general sense of disorientation. Chances are they wont have their bearings and feel at ease until the interview is well underway. And that can compromise their performance.With a video interview, however, candidates can choose where they record their answers. Whether its from the comfort of their den or at their favorite quiet coffee shop, theyll feel like they have home field advantage. That boost to their confidence will allow them to truly shine to the best of their abilities.15. Eliminate stressors associated with in-person interviews.Beyond the obvious pressures associated with heading into an in-person job interview, many candidates get nervous about other aspects of the process. Will they be able to find the office? What will the parking situation be like? Will they have to meet other members of the company? This only adds to the pressure theyre feeling and can cause otherwise qualified people to under-perfo rm.Video interviewing technology provides a number of perks to both job seekers and hiring managers alike. Its a useful platform that makes the hiring process more convenient for businesses. Once thought of as something only major corporations could afford, video interviewing software has since become accessible to companies of all sizes. It makes it much easier for both large and small brands to incorporate it into the hiring process.Like some of these ideas? Want to see how video interviews can benefit your organization? Get a demo of Spark Hires video interviewing platform.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

United States Service Flags

United States tafelgeschirr FlagsUnited States tafelgeschirr FlagsFamily members of United States Military members are displaying United States tafelgeschirr Flags again, something rarely seen since World War II, to honor family members who are members of the United States Military, during the War on Terrorism. The tafelgeschirr Flag welches first (unofficially) used during World War I. The flag is white with a red border and one or more blue stars in the center one star for each family member serving in the military during times of war or hostility. If a tafelgeschirr member dies, the blue star is covered by a gold star. At one time, states had laws on the books which described specific specifications for up to 10 different kinds of stars, indicating Prisoner of War (POW), or Missing in Action (MIA), and other statuses. However, the only design that ever found much favor with the American public was the basic design of blue stars, with gold stars overlaid to indicate the member died on active duty. In 1967, the United States Congress Codified the tafelgeschirr Flag, specifying who is authorized to display the flags, and requiring a license granted by the Department of Defense for the manufacture and sale of tafelgeschirr flags and lapel buttons. United States Code, Title 36, Section 901 Sec. 901. - Service flag and service lapel button (a) Individuals Entitled To Display Service Flag. (b) Individuals Entitled To Display Service Lapel Button. (c) License To Manufacture and Sell Service Flags and Service Lapel Buttons. (d) Regulations. Director, The Institute of Heraldry9325 Gunston RoadSuite 112Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5576 A service flag approved by the Secretary of Defense may be displayed in a window of the place of residence of individuals who are members of the immediate family of an individual serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during any period of war or hostilities in which the Armed Forces of the United States are engaged. A service la pel button approved by the Secretary may be worn by members of the immediate family of an individual serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during any period of war or hostilities in which the Armed Forces of the United States are engaged. Any person may apply to the Secretary for a license to manufacture and sell the approved service flag, or the approved service lapel button, or both. Any person that manufactures a service flag or service lapel button without having first obtained a license or otherwise violates this section is liable to the United States Government for a civil penalty of not more than $1,000. Note The way the law and current regulations are currently phrased, one must obtain a license to manufacture service flags, even if you plan to make the flag for your own use only. One obtains a license by stating, in writing, that they guarantee not to deviate in the manufacture and/or sale of the service flag as described in regulations (DOD 1348.33-M). One can o btain a license (Certificate of Authority) by writing to Along with the Certificate of Authority, the Institute of Heraldry will also supply drawings and instructions for the manufacture of Service Flags and/or Lapel Buttons.The Secretary may prescribe regulations necessary to carry out this section. As required under the law, the Department of Defense has published specific guidelines for the design and display of service flags and lapel buttons. These instructions are contained in DOD 1348.33-M, Manual of Military Decorations and Awards. Service Flags The Service flag may be displayed, in a window of the place of residence of persons who are members of the immediate family of Service members serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during any period of war or hostilities in which the Armed Forces of the United States may be engaged, for the duration of such period of war or hostilities. Immediate family member is defined as wife, husband, mother, father, stepmother, stepfather, parent through adoption, foster parents who stand or stood in loco parentis, children, stepchildren, children through adoption, brothers, sisters, half brothers, and half sisters of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States. Unfortunately, the definition does not include grandparents. The Service flag may also be displayed by an organization to honor the members of that organization serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during any period of war or hostilities in which the Armed Forces of the United States may be engaged, for the duration of such period of war or hostilities. Organization is defined as group organizations such as churches, schools, colleges, fraternities, sororities, societies, and places of business with which the member of the Armed Forces of the United States was or is associated. Designof Flag for an Immediate Family Member On a white rectangular field a blue star or stars within a red border. The number of blue stars shall corr espond to the number of Service members from the immediate family who are symbolized on the flag. The flag horizontally displayed shall have the stars arranged in a horizontal line or lines with one point of each star up. The flag may also be displayed vertically. If the Service member symbolized is killed or dies while serving, from causes other than dishonorable, the star representing that individual shall have superimposed thereon a gold star of smaller size so that the blue forms a border. When the flag is suspended, as against a wall, the gold star shall be to the right of, or above, the blue star. Designof Flags for Organizations The flag for organizations shall correspond to that described for an immediate family, above, subject to the following additional provisions Instead of using a separate star for each Service member, one star may be used with the number of Service members indicated by Arabic numerals, which shall appear below the star. If any Service members are de ceased, as determined under the circumstances cited above, a gold star shall be placed nearest the staff, or above the blue star in the case of a flag used in a vertical display. Below that star shall be the Arabic numerals. The gold stars in both cases shall be smaller than the blue stars so that the blue shall form a border. The numerals in all cases shall be in blue. Display of the Service Flags The Service flag shall be treated with dignity and respect. When displayed with the flag of the United States, the Service flag shall be of approximatelyequal size, but never larger than the flag of the United States. The flag of the United States shall occupy the position of honor. When the Service flag is displayed other than by being flown from a staff, it shall be suspended either horizontally or vertically. Users are cautioned against the use of the Service flag for advertising purposes. It shall not be embroidered on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs etc., printed, or oth erwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discarded or used as any portion of a costume or athletic uniform. Advertising signs shall not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the Service flag is flown. Size and Colors of the Flag DOD has designated the Department of the Army as the controlling agency permission to manufacture and sell service flags and lapel buttons. The shades of colors used in the flag and the relative proportions shall be in accordance with manufacturing instructions furnished to licensed manufacturers by the Department of the Army. Applicants desiring to enter into the manufacture and sale of the Service flag or the Service Lapel Button should address applications to the Director, The Institute of Heraldry, 9325 Gunston Road, Suite 112, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5576. A certificate of authority to manufacture and sell the Service flag or the Service Lapel Button shall be granted only on an agreementin w riting by the applicant that he or she shall not deviate in the manufacture or sale of the approved official Service flag or Service Lapel Button, as described in the DOD Manual. Drawings and instructions for the Service flag and the Service Lapel Button shall be provided to manufacturers with the issuance of their certificates of authority. Gold Star Lapel Button The Gold Star Lapel Button is made up of a gold star 1/4 inch in diameter mounted on a purple disk 3/4 inch in diameter. The star is surrounded by gold laurel leaves in a wreath 5/8 inch in diameter. The opposite side bears the inscription, United States of America Act of Congress, August 1966, with space for engraving the initials of the recipient. The Gold Star Lapel Button is distributed (free of charge) from the Department of Defense to the widow, widower (remarried or not), each parent (mother, father, stepmother, stepfather, mother through adoption, father through adoption, and foster parents who stood in loco pa rentis), each child, each brother, each sister, each half-brother, each half-sister, each step-child, and each adopted child of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States who lost his or her life under any of the following conditions During World War I, World War II, or any subsequent period of armed hostilities in which the United States was engaged before July 1, 1958, and anytime after June 30, 1958.While engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States.While engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force.While serving with friendly forces engaged in an armed conflict in which the United States is not a belligerent party against an opposing armed force. Service Lapel Buttons The Service Lapel Button shall be a blue star on a white rectangular field within a red border, 3/16 inch x 3/8 inch in overall size. The shades of colors and the detailed dimensions shall be in accordance with manufacturing instructions furnished to lice nsed manufacturers by the Department of the Army. The blue star of the Service lapel button worn by members of the immediate family shall signify that one or more Service members are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States under the conditions specified above, for service flags. Multiple blue stars are not authorized on the lapel buttons. A person eligible to wear the Gold Star Lapel Buttondescribed above, may wear the Service lapel button in conjunction therewith, if that person is also entitled to wear the Service Lapel Button (i.e., still has a living immediate family member serving in the armed forces during periods of hostility). A gold star is not authorized as part of the Service Lapel Button. Purchasing Service Flags Lapel Buttons There are several places online where one can purchase service flags and lapel buttons. Remember to check to make sure the manufacturer has been authorized by DOD to manufacture and sell these items.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

5 common mistakes that even smart people make

5 common mistakes that even smart people make5 common mistakes that even smart people makeIf you believe that only stupid people make mistakes, youre as wrong as I was.The truth is that everyone makes mistakes. Smart people admit that. Stupid people do not.Whats more, the smartest and most successful people in history have made the most mistakes. Are those two things connected? I think so. This Albert Einstein quote says it allAnyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreI used to blame myself for making mistakes in life. I think thats how our society is. As a kid, youre punished for making mistakes in school and life. And because of that, we think its normal to punish each other as adults.But why would you punish yourself or another person for making silly mistakes? Most things in life are reversible and small (Im not talking about committing crimes or adultery here). What matters is that we learn from our mistakes.One of the best traits one can have in life is to be forgiving. You must go easy on yourself when you screw up. Same is true for the people in our lives. Alexander kleriker put it bestTo err is human, to forgive, divine.And when people really cross the line- just move on. No need to make things complicated.In life, there are lines one should not cross.If you keep yourself to a high moral standard, youre doing the right thing. And if you make mistakes? So what? No one is perfect.Here are 5 of those mistakes that smart people make. Remember that you dont have to make these mistakes yourself. Its better to learn from other peoples mistakes. They have made them, so we dont have to.1. Chasing moneyI recently readHow To Get Richby Felix Dennis, who owned one of the biggest magazine publishers in the UK. Contrary to the title, the book actually tries to discourage you to chase money.Many rich people will tell you the same. The funny thing is that we all know there is more to life than money. And yet, we make it our sole purpose. Dennis writesPeople who get trapped in the tunnel vision of making money think that is all there is to life.Theres nothing wrong with wanting to get rich.We just have to remind ourselves that making money beyond a certain amount has little impact on our happiness. But somehow, we get tunnel vision. Again, trying to get rich is not a mistake. However, it is a mistake if you expect that its the answer to all your problems.2. Ignoring sleepWhen you get excited about something, you want to spend all your time on it. Thats a great feeling.But when your excitement prevents you from having quality sleep, you want to change that. Its one of my biggest pitfalls. I can read and work all day long- well into the night.But even when I go to bed at 2 AM and wake up 8 hours later, I still feel tired. Somehow, its different when I hit the sack at 11 and wake up at 7. I feel much more energized.For the past year, Ive been taking my sleep more seriously. I wake up at the same time every morning. And I turn off my devices exactly one hour before I want to sleep. That means no work or heavy mental activity before bedtime. Just some light reading or journaling.3. Being connected too muchThe past decade has been great for technology. Almost everyone has a handy with access to the internet. Within a few years, the whole world will be connected. Even the less developed countries.Modern technology has changed the world. These developments are great. But remember that too much of a good thing becomes bad.That also applies to your smartphone, tablet, and laptop. Recent researchshowsthat Generation Z (born after 1995) is distressed and anxious. The American Psychological Association even say they have the worst mental health of any generation.One of the biggest reasons for their mental state? All the signs point towards their smartphones and connectedness. F or years, Ive been limiting my smartphone usage.And inspired by Cal Newports new book,Digital Minimalism, Im only getting more strict with this.4. Not exercising enoughLife is full of obligations. Our biggest obligation is to work. Then, we have family and friends that we spend our time with. We have bills to pay. Plus, unforeseen things happen all the time. A crisis at work. A family member that gets ill.Its all part of life. And when these things happen, its easy to move exercise down on your list of priorities.But after a while, you feel tired and weak. You run out of breath after you climb a few flights of stairs. You complain when you cant find a parking spot in front of the store. You dont want to walk. Your back hurts from all the sitting. Your trefflich grows. And you cant look at yourself in the mirror.Dont let it come this far. Break a sweat at least three times a week. And go for a walk on the other days. You will stay strong and fit. Plus, youll feel better.5. Being over confidentOne cognitive bias that affects smart people the most is overconfidence. When you are good at something, its easy to overestimate yourself.That doesnt happen in a cocky or brazen way. Overconfidence can happen to everyone. From many soft-spoken and gentle individuals to the most outgoing extroverts.Researchers have establishedthree waysthat overconfidence happensOverestimation- thinking that you are better than you are.Overplacement- exaggerated belief that you are better than others.Overprecision- excessive conviction that you know the truth.Lets be honest. How often do we think we can take on a challenge and later find out it was too much? Or that we can do a better job than our co-workers or competitors? And when we have conversations, how often do we think we know it better?Its the classic pitfall of smart people. But as you and I both know, the wisest people in history stated they knew nothing. So why are we still overconfident?I think one of the reasons is that you s top questioning yourself after you achieve some small success. Its very appealing to think youre better. Maybe thats the case. But it doesnt matter.The moment you startthinkingyoure better, youre already losing. When youstop questioning yourself, you stop learning. And only losers dont learn.Instead, rely on the things that brought you to where you are curiosity, passion, excitement, and most importantly hard work.This article first appeared on Darius Foroux.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Number One Question You Must Ask for Developed Synonym Resume

The Number One Question You Must Ask for Developed Synonym Resume Such a synonym is known as a metadata-linked application common object. The synonym is exactly like a unix hardlink. Don't forget to utilize PUBLIC clause when dropping a public synonym. Use this clause to modify the definition of a present synonym without initially dropping it. Specify the schema where the object resides. If you just have synonyms for objects in the exact database you may think two-part names only. You may also enforce a distinctive constraint on compound indexes. Make certain there are no spelling errors and typographical errors. There are some variations of the fundamental syntax when used. So based on your case you might or might not add column translations as synonyms. Whispered Developed Synonym Resume Secrets By default, when you search for an object in the database, it attempts to search it in your schema. It's disallowed because the metadata isn't versioned. Soft' dependencies will likely refer to objects in different databases. Access to the synonyms would lead to an error in both circumstances. Databases, generally, have to get built in the proper purchase. This database was made by means of a contractor who's no longer around. When resolving references to an object, Oracle Database employs a public synonym only in the event the object isn't prefaced by means of a schema and isn't followed by means of a database connection. What Everybody Dislikes About Developed Synonym Resume and Why Additionally, there are books solely written to assist you write amazing resumes. Our experienced writers will supply you with high-quality texts! Writing a resume can be lots of work. Answer a few easy questions and get free, personalized proposals within one day. The Bad Secret of Developed Synonym Resume As you write your resume, make an impression of the sort of person you're. When you're attempting to lose or maintain your existing weight, they may be useful. Naturally, the resume objective must be the job t hat you want to take. Many people have a tendency to forget this, but there are lots of reasons it's smart. Basically, objects must be deleted or altered in a given purchase. The majority of the properties are also utilised in ADO. There are quite a lot of tools that may help your resume be more stimulating. There might be other objects that are, consequently, dependent on them. Developed Synonym Resume Explained The review is going to teach you whatever you will need to understand and then you are able to place your purchase confidently. The budget planning procedure might become very intricate. So your personal statement will normally be the means. It takes only 5 minutes to read a review and discover out whatever you should know about that business. Developed Synonym Resume - Is it a Scam? Privileges may also be taken away. Be aware that the SQL should end with semi-colon if you've got multiple queries in the query window. If schema isn't specified, SQL Server util izes the default schema of the present user. Rather than opening a standard hover' panel, you will be taken straight to the object editor for this table, view, etc.. If you change a user-defined table type, then you should check wherever it's been used in the database. For instance, you rename a table but don't wish to impact the recent applications that currently use the table. The new table will just be made by utilizing the identical structure of the current table. The 5-Minute Rule for Developed Synonym Resume Put that achievement on your resume to verify that it is possible to adapt when challenged an excellent employers search for. Take a look at our writing services reviews and find out how top rated essay writing companies do the job. You are able to even check out several reviews and after that choose the business that most suits your requirements and inexpensive budget. Instead, utilize various terms that most describe your accomplishments to show employers the reach of your achievements.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Nix Political Discussion in Your Workplace

Nix Political Discussion in Your Workplace Nix Political Discussion in Your Workplace Midway through a recent job interview, the candidate began discussing his political opinions. Whether we ardently disagree with his opinion- and his job candidacy had already soured for other reasons- we were startled by the impropriety of his political discussion in a work setting. Especially in an interview situation, his lack of judgment sent a clear message to us about his common sense and his ability to help lead the organization. Polarizing employees who felt discussing politics in the workplace would be inconsistent with our cultural norms. Not satisfied with his initial sally into no mans politics land, he went on to tell us how he had recently voted and about the political bumper stickers he had seen in the company parking lot. At this point, the interview turned into a casual chat until we ushered him out of the office. We don’t care who he supports in his politics, but political discussion is normally unwise in any work setting. This candidate failed to exercise good judgment as he spouted his political views during a job interview, of all places. In a workplace that honors diversity, every person’s politics, religious beliefs, sexual activities, and opinions about non-work issues should, for the most part, stay home. Unless you work in a setting that is dependent on a particular set of beliefs, such as a Republican Party field office, an environmental lobby group or a church, you risk much more than you can hope to gain when you raise sensitive issues at work. At best, you risk offending coworkers whose help you need to accomplish work. In the worst case scenario, you may create a hostile work environment and potential long-term hard feelings among coworkers. The Supervisor’s Role Regarding Political Discussion at Work As a manager or supervisor, if you become aware of political or another discussion, ribbing or name calling, you need to deal with it as you would any other potentially negative situation that can escalate into conflict among people. Don’t ignore the political discussion. It won’t stop on its own and will likely escalate unless you give staff members a friendly reminder. Recognize that you walk a fine line between allowing your employees freedom of expression and managing a potential source of conflict. Casual discussion during the work day, when it does not interfere with work, is crucial for developing work relationships. Positive work relationships are essential for positive employee morale and employee retention. In fact, having a best friend at work, according to research by the Gallup organization, is essential for retention.If you are concerned that political and/or other sensitive issue discussions are getting out of hand, manage the potential conflict before it escalates. Provide feedback to remind people that political discussion, that potentially harms interpersonal relationships, belongs outside the workplace. Communicate the difference between expressing personal beliefs- which should be acceptable, although often unwise at work â€" and attacking the beliefs of others â€" which is not acceptable.You can handle most situations on a case by case basis with your adult employees. In some workplaces, you may want to consider the adoption of a policy that bans the display of political, religious and other articles, slogans or objects that could potentially create conflict among your employees. Proponents of this type of policy believe the employer has an obligation to control sources of conflict at work. Make sure that your harassment policies and harassment complaint system are posted and that employees are trained in the process.Use progressive discipline if an employee repeatedly attacks or scorns political, religious or other deeply held beliefs of coworkers.Provide respect and dignity behavioral training to all employees and emphasize respect for different ideas, beliefs, and needs.Make sure your Code of Conduct clearly spells out the need to honor diverse opinions, beliefs, values, and goals. Conclusion Freedom of expression is good in the workplace, especially if you want a workplace environment that honors diversity, seeks divergent ideas, allows room for respectful disagreement and fosters continuous improvement. These are all signs of a healthy, employee-supportive work environment. Watch to make sure, however, that the discussion of politics, religion, and differing beliefs does not escalate into workplace conflict and hurt feelings. Disclaimer:  Please note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience and ?employment laws  and regulations vary from state to state and country to country. Please seek legal assistance, or assistance from State, Federal, or International governmental resources, to make certain your legal interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.

Monday, November 18, 2019

3 things to remember about fear and how to use it to drive success

3 things to remember about fear and how to use it to drive success 3 things to remember about fear and how to use it to drive success Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Do one thing every day that scares you.”We all have fear. None of us are so lucky to be entirely immune to it. Some choose to be consumed by their fears, while others choose to embrace them, befriend them, and harness them to fuel their dreams. The difference between the two is the former end up living an incomplete life of guilt and unhappiness, while the latter emerge stronger, smarter, and more likely to be on the path to success.Fear can paralyze you or help you take that leap forward. After more than 25 years as an entrepreneur, I can tell you that there is only one fear worth having - that you have only today, and only today counts. And you have to maximize today.A few years ago, I was on a family holiday at the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. We took a boat to the reef on a beautiful Australian summer day. Not a single ship was in sight. The boat pulled up over a segment of the reef that was barely below the waterline. We jumped into the lov ely, warm blue water with our snorkeling gear to enjoy the incredible spectacle that lay hidden underneath.As I was snorkeling and floating along the warm current, suddenly something that looked like a line appeared below me and the warm water turned chillingly cold. The line was the water ridge that plummeted from the safety of the reef into the darkness of the sea. The beautiful sight below me suddenly went pitch black. I realized that I had gone over the reef into the icy ocean and there was a real chance the strong current could carry me away or dump me into the path of a   shark.Fear overtook my entire being for a moment, and then survival instinct kicked in. I yanked my head out of the water and saw the reef was barely ten feet away. I started swimming back as fast as I could, probably the fast ­est I have ever in my life. Before I knew it, I was back in the beauty and comfort of the reef, but for about twenty numbing seconds, I had gone over to the dark side of Mother Nature and she was scary!One moment I was in a comfortable, warm, and beautiful place with ­out a care and the next moment, I was in a dark, cold abyss. That incident was a stark reminder of how close we all are to the line and how closely this line follows us for all of our lives.Sometimes, we all need a little fear to remind us of what is truly important.There are three things we must remember about fear.1. Fear is excitement in disguise‘Fear is just excitement in need of an attitude  adjustment.’ â€"  A Keeper’s TruthLet’s take the example of skydiving. The idea of stepping off a plane at 14,000 feet altitude into nothingness evokes two completely different responses in two people.Jill is thrilled and excited about flying through the sky like a bird, feeling the wind on her face. Jack is paralyzed by fear, imagining worst-case scenarios.In Jill, the adventurous nature lying dormant in all of us awakens to the raw, unrestrained elixir of fear and it gives her an incredible high w hen she embraces it.But for Jack, just the thought of doing something outside of his comfort zone strikes unimaginable terror in his heart.So whether you experience fear or excitement really just depends on the lens you choose to look through at the world. It comes down to a choice.Interestingly, young children are the least affected by fear of unknown. Most young kids are far more adventurous and fearless than many adults. As we get older, life has a way of creating layer upon layer of fear in our subconscious. Adulthood clouds our lens with self-doubt and other negative messages we see and hear every day.So clean your lens and change your focus from fear to excitement. This takes practice, so start small and work up to the heavy lifting.2.  What doesn’t paralyze you, energizes youThis is my take on the old adage -  What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.My experience tells me that fear is an unwelcome visitor in our life only when we are pursuing something we really want. That’s usually a sign we are on the right track!Think about all the times you were overcome by fear and there’s a good chance you will notice a pattern. Most likely it was just as you were about to embark on a major transition in your life, or were venturing into something completely new and unknown. This is completely normal. In fact, I would go so far as to say, if you are not afraid, you should perhaps revisit your decision.In a sense, fear shows us the way. It reveals something we need to work on. What are you going do with it? Do you allow it to paralyze you, or guide you? Allow your fear to be an energizing force that propels you forward. Let it uncover what you need to doâ€"and then go do it.3. Fear is a great motivator for growthAt an evolutionary level, it was a keen sense of fear during the time of the caveman that effectively helped keep humans out of danger. But now that life has evolved and we no are longer in survival mode, that sense of fear hasn’t really gone a way. It just manifested into something else. We are now afraid of change, uncertainty, and unfamiliar things.Living in this type of fear leaves you stuck in one place forever, in an illusory comfort zone that is akin to a child’s security blanket. We all have one and carry it around just as Linus does in the  Peanuts  cartoons. Security blankets are like substitute mothers. They give comfort and provide feelings of safety and security, much as our mothers would do for us.    But, there comes a time when we must leave the childhood nest and with it, the security blanket.Humans are wired for familiarity and it’s just easy to stick to the familiar. But unless you learn to let go of that security blanket, you will never know what lies on the other side of fear. A life of predictability and familiarity is not a life of growth.Leaning into fear is hard to do because it makes us vulnerable. When you take that leap, sometimes you fly, but sometimes you crash and burn. In both cases, you are guaranteed to end up in a new place.In summary, your life expands as your courage and willingness to grow expands. Lean into your fear today by taking small steps, and allow it to widen your world and guide you on your path to success.Vijay Eswaran is a successful entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and philanthropist and the author of the best-selling book  In the Sphere of Silence. An economist by training, he is the founder of a multimillion-dollar global business,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

In need of some inspiration Try doing nothing. No, seriously

In need of some inspiration Try doing nothing. No, seriously In need of some inspiration Try doing nothing. No, seriously In the midst of a sea of motivational quotes and a near-constant push for self-improvement, sometimes what you really need to do is just … stop.Like many of us, I really enjoy scrolling through my Instagram. I usually glance at it when I’m waiting on my bus or want to feel inspired by some beautiful photos of interior design, literature, art, or flowers, or to feel connected to my friends and family. And I love it for that reason.But lately, I think I have been falling into the comparison trap a bit, which is not so good. The idea that I should be handling it all - meditation and wellness, a consistent workout routine, a career, my relationships, keeping up with the never-ending news cycle and pop culture - is sometimes just plain overwhelming.Have you seen the memes about making plans and then being relieved when they fall through? I can so relate to it, as I’m sure many of you can. It’s interesting to me because the meme implies that we make those plans even though we don ’t truly want to follow through with them and that we’d feel too guilty to cancel them ourselves. The guilt, then, is assuaged when someone else cancels for us. This is a problem.We shouldn’t have to feel guilty if we are tired or overstimulated or if we just feel like staying in. We’re all suffering from information overload, and there’s a sense that we should feel guilty if we’re not working to better ourselves in some way all of the time.So my proposal is this: that we allow ourselves to feel okay about doing absolutely nothing. If this is hard for you (and it’s hard for me!), don’t worry - studies prove that it’s actually really good for you, both mentally and physically.Increased productivityMany companies are catching on to this, but allowing for breaks and flexibility in your workday actually makes you more productive. If you want more proof, the Harvard Business Review cites study after study to explain that allowing yourself to have breaks helps you stay productive. Super busy but feeling that mid-afternoon slump? Go ahead, take a break. It will actually help you to do more, later.Increased creativityIn addition to productivity, if you allow yourself to have downtime, your creativity increases as well. According to Inc., when your mind is relaxed - when you’re enjoying downtime - a different part of your brain is engaged. And this part of the brain is connected to problem-solving. So if you’re feeling uninspired or stuck, it might help to go and take a walk, a nap, or pick up your phone at the bus stop and laugh at Instagram stories.Increased energyKnow that time of day where you just feel drained? Maybe it’s the mid-afternoon and you feel like you’ve crashed? Yeah, me too. Allowing yourself to stop will help this. Forget powering through; instead, take a break!Grab a coworker and go walk around the block. Run down the street to the smoothie place and treat yourself. Lay your head down on your desk and take a five-minute m editation. All of these things will help you to feel a little more energy than you did before.Increased focusIf you’re worried about wasting time, don’t. It’s wrong to associate downtime with time wasting. Instead, it actually helps your brain process new information and solve problems. Letting your brain step away from whatever it is you’re focusing on often helps you think of a new solution or perspective. When you’re stuck or fading, it’s good to take a break to daydream or think of something other than the project at hand.Increased memoryFinally, downtime is also proven to help memory. Unsurprisingly, allowing yourself time to process what you’re learning helps you remember it more clearly. If you feel like you’re constantly forgetting things, maybe your age isn’t to blame. Instead, it might be that your mind is overloaded with information and in need of a break. If you allow yourself to slow down a bit and enjoy some time to daydream, chances are, your memory will improve as well.If you’re feeling burned out from the business of it all, shake off the guilt and indulge in some downtime. Treat yourself (it’s proven to help) and you should feel better almost instantly.This article first appeared on Career Contessa.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Keys to Scoring The Best Restaurant Gig In The Biz

The Keys to Scoring The Best Restaurant Gig In The Biz The Keys to Scoring The Best Restaurant Gig In The Biz The Cheesecake Factory built its brand on celebratory fun: a place for guests to enjoy an anniversary or birthday over one of 300 menu items, starting with that famous brown oat bread. Internally at Cheesecake it’s all about celebrations for staffers too, says Dina Barmasse, Cheesecake’s SVP of Human Resources. It’s a culture that Barmasse and team work hard to cultivate. She explains why even new menu items are an excuse for a party, why the company trains its staffers even for a post-Cheesecake career, and what makes a person “so Cheesecake.” Glassdoor: The Cheesecake Factory has an obvious public-facing aspect with the restaurants. How do you and your team build a culture that permeates through all functions, from a cashier at a restaurant to a staffer in corporate operations? Dina Barmasse: The cultural aspect of The Cheesecake Factory is absolutely paramount for attraction, retention, etc., so HR is very deliberate in working with operations about how we build that. First, our talent selection team works really hard to find and retain the right talent. We call them “So Cheesecake” people. It’s become shorthand: When interviewees would leave the room, if they nailed the interview you would say “Oh, they’re just so Cheesecake.” We started exploring, what do we mean when we say they’re so Cheesecake? Really, what it boils down to is that they ooze warmth and hospitality that comes from within. They radiate positivity. Theyhave extremely high personal standards of excellence, and they love to celebrate and have fun. Of course, there’s different factors and competencies that you’ll look for in different roles, but that is a cultural touchstone for us: how we find the So Cheesecake people. Once we find and hire them, we have appreciation recognition programs that thank our people for their hard work and extra effort that they put in. Working at The Cheesecake Factory is not the easiest job. We are one of the busiest restaurant concepts around. You have to want to work hard here. But we also want to make sure they know how appreciated they are, so we go above and beyond in our appreciation and recognition programs. We have lots of celebrations. If you think of The Cheesecake Factory you probably think of having fun. It’s no different for the people internally. We use every opportunity we can to build camaraderie and celebrate. For example, when we roll out new menu items twice a year it could be fairly perfunctory. But we turn it into a cultural touchstone where we’re able to bring everybody together. We spend a few hours playing games and quizzes, and there are opportunities for the winning team to give money to charities. Our training programs are the best in the industry. When you have 300 menu items, it’s a lot for people to be able to remember. We want to make sure that we’re doing everything we can both on the food, service and hospitality side to set them up for success. Glassdoor: Cheesecake employees often rave in their Glassdoor reviews about the training they’ve received â€" that it doesn’t just make them exceptional at their current job, but it really tees them up for overall career success. Dina Barmasse:   You just made me very happy when you said that, because that is one of the things that we think about intentionally. We know training is critically important for some people. Let’s say in our kitchen there’s someone for whom this is their career, and they want to learn as much as they can and be able to achieve their career goals with us. But even if they’re not going to stay with us forever, we want people to feel that if you come to work at The Cheesecake Factory, no one is going to teach you more. If you come to The Cheesecake Factory, you’re not making three items. You’re making every item under the sun - we’re going to invest in you and no matter if you stay with us or if you go somewhere else, you’re going to get the best training around. That hopefully attracts people to come to work for us and it hopefully also retains them. But we’re also very happy when it helps people externally to be able to move on to other dreams and aspirations. Certainly, with our kitchen and long menu here, there are a lot of other places people can go and where there may be less challenge. At The Cheesecake Factory, there is definitely that challenge - but that’s also one of the elements of pride that I think is why a lot of people come to us. Setting them up for success is critically important. Glassdoor: The Glassdoor reviews also talk about Cheesecake as a place where employees can give critical feedback. Dina Barmasse:   One of the challenges in having more than 200 restaurants is making sure that we have a direct line to hear the best ideas and suggestions from people who know it best, which is our staff. We set up a crowdsourcing site called Cake Talk. Every staff member has the opportunity to submit their ideas and suggestions directly to us and our senior leaders, unfiltered. We read every single Cake Talk submission. We take the feedback very seriously, and many times they lead to awesome hallway conversations. Cake Talk lets people vote on the suggestions, so the most popular rise to the top. That gives us a sense of the energy behind that suggestion. We’ve made some wonderful menu changes. We’ve changed the servers’ attire. There’s suggestion after suggestion that has made a real impact.  Glassdoor:   You mentioned that Cheesecake is a fun but demanding job. How do you retain talent that could go elsewhere for a job with, say, a smaller menu? Dina Barmasse:   Restaurants are facing a lot of challenges right now, and it can be a tough environment to retain staff. So we’re really focused on retention. It starts from when they first come in the door. We have revamped our orientation and what we call our “First 60 Days Program.” We know the biggest turnover in a restaurant takes place in the first 60 days. So what can we do from the time that they first come in? How can we deeply understand what is important to them? We have a process in place for our managers to be able to do just that, and to be able to share that information with the other management. Maybe it’s that this person really wants to work, but can’t work nights. He loves the Dodgers and he has three kids. If I understand that, I can meet his needs. Because our restaurants have a very large staff, we basically will do anything to meet people’s expectations around shifts. If they want to work only two days a week, or five days, we’ll try to make that happen. We have enough flexibility because of the number of people, but also because we really try hard to staff our restaurants to meet that. It’s a big selling point for the front-of-house in particular, who may be going to school or doing different things. They want that flexibility so we do it in a way that it’s welcomed.  In other words, it’s not a burden. It’s something that we want them to have. That is a different approach to just saying, “Yes, you can have that time off” - but begrudgingly giving it. It only takes that one sigh or hesitation or frown to send a subtle message. We don’t want that. We want the message to be we’re going to do everything we can. We know how hard our staff works, and we want to be able to do this for them.  Glassdoor:   What keeps you personally at Cheesecake? Dina Barmasse:   My answer is probably most people will tell you: When you say you work at The Cheesecake Factory, we all get a pretty universal response. The person’s face lights up. They’ll rave about the wheat bread, tell you about how they go every year on their anniversary. There’s some energy that is there that you can feel - the cultural difference. From an HR standpoint, that is golden. We want to do everything we can so each person is truly personally inspired to live that culture.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

How to Hire the Right Programmer

How to Hire the Right Programmer How to Hire the Right Programmer With digital transformation becoming a widespread phenomenon, hiring a programmer has become a common occurrence. You might imagine that many managers have hired enough programmers that they could do it in their sleep by now. In practice, though, finding the right one for your business can be a substantial challenge.   Part of the problem is the high demand for skilled coders. The most talented candidates on the market often get snatched up quickly by whichever employer moves the fastest to make a strong job offer.   While speeding up the hiring process seems a logical solution, it’s not as easy as it sounds and leads into the other major hurdle: It’s hard for non-programmers to assess potential candidates.   To people who don’t know coding, the technical side of programming languages and the variety of skills a programmer might require to do the job well is like deciphering hieroglyphics without the Rosetta Stone. For example, there’s a big difference between Java and Javascript. But if you don’t know this and other programming truths, you can’t apply them as you scan through resumes and conduct interviews.   So, how do you navigate the language barrier (so to speak) and hire a programmer when you’re not one yourself? Here are a few steps to help you identify the ideal candidate, even if you know nothing about code. Do they have the skills you really need? Knowing what you really need is half the battle. Before you even start to look at the list of computer programmers to hire, sit down with your IT manager and lay out the list of skills they require - and be sure you understand where you can be flexible and where you need to be rigid. Here are some examples: Be specific about SQL. There are several types of SQL databases, such as MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server. If your programmer won’t be building databases from scratch or you have database administrators on staff to help developers with SQL, do you need a candidate with substantial experience using your particular database system? Or would experience with a different but similar database be sufficient if the work itself was comparable? On the other hand, will you need to hire a programmer to work with more modern databases like NoSQL? Understand the differences between CRM systems. Major enterprise systems like customer relationship management (CRM) software can have major differences. An expert with Salesforce may not necessarily have skills that easily transfer to a Microsoft Dynamics CRM project, for example, because they are very different systems that a programmer interacts with in completely different ways. Would someone with experience in another product in the same category have skills relevant to your system? Don’t get hung up on versions. On  the other hand, don’t dismiss a potential good hire just because they must overcome a minor skills gap to work with different versions of a programming language, library or system. For example, if your programmer candidate has experience in version 5.0 of a product that’s now at version 6.0, they should be able to learn the differences quickly. Also have a senior member of your IT staff interview the programmers so they can give you their assessment of each applicant.   GET HIRING HELP NOW   Can they actually code? It’s an obvious step, perhaps, but an essential one. When looking at potential computer programmers for hire, you have to confirm they can back up the technical skills listed on their resume. This means asking specific questions in the interview or giving them a short programming test - which should be evaluated by someone with coding experience. Some options include: Ask questions to assess their knowledge of specific programming tasks. Request that they provide examples of code they’ve written. Require them to do a FizzBuzz test. This commonly involves printing the numbers 1-100, but showing “Fizz” for multiples of three, “Buzz” for multiples of five and “FizzBuzz” for multiples of both. Perform an in-depth programming skills analysis with a tool such as Codility. Even if you have no technical knowledge, you can still ask general questions about coding. For example, if you need a programmer with Ruby on Rails experience, ask questions such as: Can you explain Ruby on Rails to me? What are alternatives to Ruby on Rails? What was the last project you worked on involving Ruby on Rails? What problems should we be mindful of when working with Ruby on Rails? The candidate’s answers will tell you a lot about them. Even if you don’t understand the topic yourself, you’ll be able to get a feel for their level of expertise. Plus, you’ll get a glimpse at their soft skills. Some computer programmers struggle to convey technical information to nontechnical people. If you find someone with good communication skills, they’re definitely one to consider for your position, even if they don’t meet all your nice-to-have technical wants.   Remember, programming isn’t all about code. A good programmer needs to be strong with problem solving, organization and teamwork. You can assess these skills by asking the following questions: When something stops working, how do you diagnose the problem? What would you do if you were working on a project that had fallen behind schedule? How do you keep up with developments in your industry? Have you ever been involved in a project that failed due to someone else’s error? Do they fit with your office culture? The last step in narrowing down your list of programmer candidates is to check their work style. You want to make sure the applicant is the right fit for the job and your organization. You can evaluate their alignment with your business in these areas: Experience - Has the candidate worked for a company or team of similar size in the past? Communication - Would the candidate be able to collaborate with nontechnical leadership? Personal values - Does the applicant’s interests line up with the company’s? For example, does your candidate also have a desire to innovate or a commitment to providing customers with the best experience? Tool kit - Is the candidate familiar with your specific set of development tools, such as version control systems and development environments? Do they have experience with your preferred development methodology, such as Agile or DevOps? Is your job offer strong enough? Demand for programming talent is huge, and the number of computer programmers for hire isn’t sufficient to meet requirements in most parts of the U.S. This reality is reflected in programmer salaries. According to The 2019 Robert Half Technology Salary Guide, the starting salary for software developers ranges from $86,750 to $146,000, with a midpoint of $103,000. Note that salaries are subject to regional variations. You can check the salary ranges in your area with Robert Half’s salary calculator.   When you’re ready to start interviewing programmers, keep in mind that speed can make the difference. In a recent survey of more than 2,500 CIOs across the U.S., 69 percent of candidates for staff-level IT roles lose interest if they haven’t heard back within two weeks after an interview.   That means that hiring managers who move fast and can get an offer out reasonably quickly have a big advantage when hiring a programmer or other IT professional.   To get a head start on the competition, view our programmer candidates. Tell us who catches your eye, and we can arrange an interview or placement ASAP. Find programmer candidates in Indianapolis, IN Find programmer candidates in Boise, ID Find programmer candidates in Charlotte, N.C. Find programmer candidates in Minneapolis, MN Find programmer candidates in Tucson, Ariz. This post has been updated to reflect more current information.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

3 Resume Old Wives Tales Debunked!

3 Resume Old Wives Tales Debunked! 3 Resume Old Wives Tales Debunked! Writing your resume is no easy feat, especially with all the resume rumors flying around out there. Watch out for resume advice that can actually hinder your chances of getting the job! Three common misconceptions that will lead you astray and likely get your resume trashed include: Using white-font-keywords on your resume to get past an applicant tracking system, Using a functional resume format, and Placing a photo on your resume. Myth 1: “Getting Past Applicant Tracking Systems is Easy! Just put a Bunch of Keywords in White on Your Resume!” Oh the white writing trick. The “advice” here is that you can take the keywords in the job description, or even the whole job description, and put them/it in the margins of your resume in a small white font. This way the applicant tracking systems would see you as being a match but when a hiring manager opens your resume they aren’t able to see that you’ve cheated the system. This might have worked great ten years ago … unfortunately now applicant tracking systems are actually set to detect this. In fact, some systems are set to immediately eliminate those resumes that use this deceitful white writing tactic. Putting keywords or job descriptions in white font could completely eliminate you from any chance you had at obtaining the position you’re looking at. One prominent career expert wrote: I probably hear the white-font-keyword advice about once per week.   It’s a very clever idea, and it sounds like a great cheat code to get passed the ever-frustrating applicant tracking systems that hound all job seekers.   This advice worked really well about ten years ago, but applicant tracking systems got wise, and this trick no longer works.   Not only that, but using this trick nowadays will make your resume look like a jumbled mess after it’s submitted.   This is because applicant tracking systems automatically turn all fonts black when you submit your resume, so your keywords will go from hidden secret to illegible muck. It’s important to note that many employers will look at this manipulation as deceitful and automatically place you in the trash pile, if the ATS system didn’t already take care of that for them. In short, using the white font keyword strategy is a resume old wives tale debunked for the following reasons: Applicant Tracking Systems are now set to detect this and some systems will even automatically boot your resume if you’ve used this tactic. Using this trick will make your resume look like a mess after it’s submitted, as the ATS system will automatically turn all fonts black. Many employers look at this manipulation as deceitful and place your resume in the trash pile. The Solution The better bet is to compare the job description to your actual skills and then get those matching keywords into the professional profile, key skills and experience sections of your resume. Myth 2: “Use a functional resume format instead of a chronological one” A functional resume is used to showcase your abilities rather than your chronological work history. The majority of your resume is spent going over your skills with a very small work history section at the bottom. Functional resumes are typically used by those that have gaps in their work history, are reentering the workforce, have frequently changed jobs, are looking to change to a new career, or don’t really fit the job position perfectly. In these situations you may want to consider a functional resume though it certainly isn’t an ideal scenario with the way applicant tracking systems read resumes now. Applicant tracking systems specifically look to have you complete your application in a chronological way. In the end, if you use functional resume format, you’ll find yourself having to reorganize your resume to fit with what applicant tracking systems are looking for anyways. Additionally, during the financial crisis many applicants started to use functional resumes as a way to gloss over employment gaps or to apply for jobs that weren’t in their area of expertise. Since then, functional resumes have been equated with unemployed or unqualified applicants. If this is your situation, then it certainly might be an option for you to use this resume format, just be careful with it. Functional resumes as a successful resume format is a resume oldwives tale debunked for the following reasons… They don’t work well with applicant tracking systems. Functional resumes are often equated with unemployed, under qualified, or unqualified applicants since the financial crisis. The Solution The most highly recommended format for your resume currently is to use a bit of a combination resume. With this format you’ll list your skills and experience to start out and then follow with a reverse chronological order of your employment history. This way you can use a small professional profile and core competencies section to showcase your skills relevant to the position you’re applying for, while also providing your work history and specific job duties. This type of resume is useful for advancing past applicant tracking systems since you have the opportunity to get some keywords into your top profile and skills section, as well as throughout your work history. Myth 3: “You should include a photo of yourself on your resume since they’re going to look you up anyways.” Many countries use CV’s instead of resumes. In these locations it is absolutely okay to include your photo on your resume, and in many cases even encouraged. However, in the United States, resume experts advise against attaching pictures or any image files to a resume. First, these photos mess with applicant tracking systems. While your resume might look nice on your end, the system won’t always know how to interpret a photo and may even kick your resume into the trash pile. Second, HR professionals prefer that you do not include a photo on your resume as it can lead to discrimination claims. As one career expert writes, “It’s illegal to consider factors like age, race, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability status in hiring decisions. So hiring authorities prefer to not “officially” know whether you’re a member of one of these protected classes. If you put a photo on your resume, you reveal some of these details. If the employer later interviews you but doesn’t hire you, it opens the possibility of a discrimination claim. Some companies will even flat-out reject resumes with photos, just to avoid that potential accusation.” Many HR departments will cringe when they open resumes that have a photo on them for fear of any potential discrimination cases that could be made if they simply decide the candidate is not qualified for the position. Basically, it is still considered unwise to include a photo of yourself on your resume in the U.S. so this is a resume oldwives tale debunked because, It’s not currently viewed as professional, Photos are not readable by applicant tracking systems which could hurt your chances of landing the job, and Photos on resumes can lead to discrimination claims. The Solution Get a step ahead by including a link to your LinkedIn profile on your resume. This way the HR team or hiring manager will be more likely to go straight to your professional page and less likely to dig up old facebook photos that you could’ve sworn you had deleted. Be sure to edit your public LinkedIn URL so it’s clean and easy to read. Avoid Common Resume Mistakes and Follow a Format that Works At Resume Yeti, we help you create a resume that’s equally optimized for ATS software and human readers alike. Following the format laid out in our resume builder will lead to greater success in your job hunt. Try our service today, and watch your response rates increase as your resume starts getting through to the right people.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

5 Crazy Stories About Giving Two Weeks Notice (and What You Can Learn From Them)

5 Crazy Stories About Giving Two Weeks’ Notice (and What You Can Learn From Them) 5 Crazy Stories About Giving Two Weeks’ Notice (and What You Can Learn From Them) Getting a new job is exciting. You get to look forward to a new work environment, colleagues and responsibilities. But it’s also frightening. You now have to submit a two weeks’ notice to your current employer - and sometimes, the unexpected can occur. Learn from these stories of resignations gone wrong in order to  keep your reputation and professional network intact. Almost anything could happen once you turn in your two weeks’ notice. Karelyn Lambert, currently self-employed as an executive virtual assistant through oDesk (Upwork Global Inc.), says she followed tradition. She turned in a professional resignation letter two weeks before leaving her job only to have her supervisor say, “Go ahead and make today your last day.” Karelyn felt appalled by the manager’s reaction, but managed to leave the workplace without saying something she’d regret. Tip : Rather than pretend the worst-case scenario won’t happen, admit it could. Think about your boss’s possible reactions and be specific about them. Could they eject you from the premises without pay? Burden you with extra projects and impossible deadlines? After finishing your contemplation, plan your response. Deciding how you will speak and act in private now prevents public meltdowns later - you don’t want to burn bridges. While your boss might have you escorted to the door, it’s also possible your boss might attempt to entice you to stay. Kevin Huhn, Founder of Be Your Best Today , experienced the latter. “When I handed in my two weeks’ notice after working there about three years,” says Kevin, “I got a call from the president of the company. She offered me a 20 percent increase in pay to stay.” Kevin refused the offer, but he said it left a good feeling and boosted his ego. Tip : Some employers will try to keep you with incentives. If you like your current job, the new perks might sway you to stay. But be careful. Don’t let potential rewards guilt you into staying. If you think your boss might try to tempt you into remaining at the company, write down a list of pros and cons for staying and going. Knowing what you want will help you make and stand by your final decision. Sometimes, no matter how strong your work ethic, you’ll encounter hostility and negativity upon handing in your resignation letter . One employer, who prefers to remain anonymous, explains the reaction. She says the vast majority of employees “check out” after giving notice. She continued to explain that once an employee announces they are leaving, they are, for all intents and purposes, gone. They will show up, usually arriving late, doing a minimum amount of work, extending their lunch hours or leaving early. Once they resign, they are not there to make life easier for the rest of the team. They are there for the two weeks of pay, which they feel entitled to if they show up. Her words sound brutal. However, people who intend to change jobs experience this outlook from their employer fairly often . Tip : Don’t get angry with a boss who assumes you’re there only for the paycheck. Instead, prove them wrong. Fulfill your obligations, tie off loose ends, and stay positive. Also try to remain quiet about where you’re headed next. Crowing your career move will only confirm your boss’s beliefs, not to mention discourage or embitter your work colleagues. Your two weeks’ notice probably will elicit strong emotions, as in Adrianne Harris’s case. She learned how much of an impact she as an educator had had on students and coworkers amidst their tears and laughter. “Everyone was genuinely happy for me and the job,” she says, “but more than that, everyone doted on me and praised me for a job well done.” Tip : If you’ve been at a company for a while or simply made yourself indispensable, plan for an onslaught of emotions. Also consider your disposition toward hugs, tears, well wishes and parties, and prepare accordingly. For example, if you fear you or someone else will burst into tears , come armed with a box of Kleenex. Some people who give notice experience mixed reactions rather than strong emotions. At least, that’s what Amanda Austin, founder and president of Little Shop of Miniatures , discovered. She chose to leave what could be termed a “cushy” job to follow her passion for e-commerce and dollhouse miniatures. When her coworkers learned of her plans, one group reacted with “surprise mixed with disdain.” The other group “expressed support and admiration and admitted they . . . wished they had the courage to step out.” Tip : You never know how people will respond to your news, but you can expect them to ask questions. Prepare your answers in advance so you don’t fumble for words or say more than you ought. To do so, think about the questions you might ask if you were them or revisit a similar situation from the past, such as explaining your selected university or chosen college major . You might not be ready to quit your current job. However, a day will come when it’s time to move onto another opportunity. Prepare for it with the tips shared here.

Monday, November 11, 2019

College Application Resume Template - the Conspiracy

College Application Resume Template - the Conspiracy With some vital info in the ideal order, everyone can create one. One of the most usual mistakes in the college resume is the absence of proofreading which could mean grammatical, spelling or typo mistakes. In addition to getting a lot of important info to include on your resume, it's critical that you make certain that it is well-written. It's fine to break in the center of a section, but don't break up sentences within work description or educational listing. The sections are simple to skim for the most relevant details. Contact Information The very first section of your resume should incorporate information on the way in which the employer can contact you. Contents are well-organized and simple to skim. Utilization and significance of a college resume can be viewed in numerous fields. College courses may also go within this section, in the event the student has taken any. Besides student resumes, you've got college professor resumes too. You have precisely what it requires to be successful in college. A in depth education section is the meat of a university student resume, so be certain you don't brush over it. It can be difficult to remain motivated in regards to sending in college applications. The resume should contain only what a particular school will want to understand, as stated by The College Board. In the event the colleges you're applying to permit you to submit a resume, don't miss the opportunity. Using College Application Resume Template If you're looking for top essay writing companies, try out the mentioned above. If you opt to use high school info, make certain it's really robust and appropriate content. Two-page resumes are acceptable provided that they're formatted to be effortless to read. An online search will reveal extra sites with helpful strategies and suggestions. Since a resume isn't only employed for applying for internships and jobs, it's imperative to receive one going as you will probably need it when applying to colleges too. Most college s and universities provide job placement solutions, therefore it's also a great idea to go to these centers well before graduation to obtain a notion of likely job prospects. Students often think that you will need experience to have a job and conversely, you are in need of a job to add experience. Resumes typically include things like private information, job experience, education background, and a listing of skills. Think resumes are just for job seekers. It's possible to locate a sample cv for use in the industry world academic settings or one that lets you concentrate on your individual abilities and abilities. To attain an easy-to-read resume, pick an easy layout which allows you to showcase the qualifications which are most relevant to the job posting. Templates also show you exactly what elements must be included in your resumes, like your education and work history. Of course you'll need to list your specialties on the resume, even if it's still true that you have less experience, at least try to reveal your capabilities. The Unusual Secret of College Application Resume Template Career Objectives are excellent for resumes with a particular function. Employing this guide can make sure you submit your applications in time and to the best of your ability whilst al so achieving your aims. Formatting a college resume might be an overwhelming endeavor, especially when you're doing it for the very first time. Typically, education sections land near the base of resumes with hardly any information. Formatting Guidelines Create a personal letterhead at the peak of the very first page so employers know right away they're taking a look at your resume. 140 cv template documents that you are able to download customize and print free of charge. Advice and samples make it simple for resume first timers to stick to a format to make an effective document. Every section needs a slightly different strategy. The template is intended to fulfill the expectations of potential bsc students. Vital Pieces of College Application Resume Template You're able to mention your upcoming education plans too. You will also wish to be certain your targets relate to your college applications. When it has to do with your goals for your college applications, you wis h to be Specific. Include your greatest achievements and honors.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Characteristics of Free Modern Resume Templates

Characteristics of Free Modern Resume Templates For example, it must have the name of the business and its address, and the contact information of the customer. All you need to do is simply edit the document to include your individual info. Modern resumes like your modern CV should be job specific to stick out from the remainder of the basic resumes submitted. Double check to be sure that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. There are a lot of free creative resume templates you are able to use, permitting you to focus your energy on everything else you have to do. The freebie includes a PSD file and all the layers are named and grouped perfectly and simple to customize to fulfill your needs. It is possible to import the simple information from social media such as Google, Facebook or Twitter. Additionally, the built-in strategies and expert advice will allow you to compose the perfect resume. For a resume to be noticed, teachers must place a formal and skilled spin on it. Studies reveal that tailoring your resume for a particular position is considerably more powerful than sending a generic application. Irrespective of your degree of job experience, your resume structure is crucial to making your program stick out. Basically, you wish to quickly portray that you're a best candidate for those varieties of jobs you're pursuing. Employers know your aim is to find the job. Even if you're a great worker, but you're not able to present the details in your resume properly, you might miss the chance. Highly relevant knowledge in a field is the very first thing employers search for. Experience and familiarity with the tasks is likewise an important element that employers look into before choosing to employ someone. The Argument About Free Modern Resume Templates Deciding on the most suitable fonts for your resume is vital so choose wisely. Resume editing isn't much simpler. Utilizing a resume template is getting an acceptable and smart practice for several factors. Most of our Resume Templates can be found in various color schemes to give you better editing opportunities. If you haven't written a pharmacy resume before, or for quite a long time, you may use the next template for assistance. The upcoming free resume template was created in the shape of a brochure. Download the sample template free of charge. The template is absolutely free to download. This template is free to download and you're permitted to utilize it for any forms of personal or industrial projects. It was created by Paolo Pettigiani. It is free to use for any types of personal or commercial projects. If you look at the templates we've listed below, you will see that they all are similar in the manner your information is prioritized and structured. Be certain to never use the stock template language, particularly for important pieces of a resume like the objective statement. Your name ought to be the most significant text on the webpage. By making use of a template, you receive a feeling of what information to include in your resume and the way to arrange it.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Heres What I Know About Resume Keyword Scanner

Here's What I Know About Resume Keyword Scanner Vital Pieces of Resume Keyword Scanner Instead, take some time to reassess the particular job description keywords you're applying for. Just upload your resume in their system then paste the whole job description to begin the comparison. You might even be able to run into a resume template meant for the specific job you're attempting to obtain. If you don't find a design template that's particular on your job requirement, you can decide on the template that was created for work very much like the one which you are considering. For job seekers in the present era, it's essential to learn to move past the algorithms. Even though a human hiring manager might appreciate a small flair, the resume robot will just incinerate your resume without another thought. Narrow the sector and potential jobs that you'll be targeting. By outsourcing a number of the work to the robots. Resume scanner software ought to be a typical portion of your job application practice. There are two simple ways to see whether your resume is ready to be correctly interpreted by means of an applicant tracking system. Applicant tracking methods function as an electronic gatekeeper for an employer. A totally free applicant tracking process is far more lightweight than the huge enterprise solutions with which lots of people could be familiar. In order to receive hired, you're likely to want to find comfortable with the resume screening robots. Ultimately, remember you're writing for a computer. Don't allow the bots keep you from land ing your dream job. When you next apply for work, figure out which version will be more appropriate. The Bad Secret of Resume Keyword Scanner In addition the entire CV appears using the very same colour scheme. With the assistance of the template you're in a position to create a flawless resume. Hence, you can select the acceptable task resume templates if you're in need of any. There are lots of resume templates easily available on the internet. Just like OpenCATS, a significant degree of tech savvy is going to be needed so as to find the most out of Osclass' exceptionally rich development atmosphere. You will also find valuable easy-to-implement strategies and insights on what you can do in order to produce the applicant tracking system zero in on your application. There are a lot of systems on the marketplace and they don't all use the exact criteria. Some advanced systems are now able to automatically scan your social networking profiles and use that information as a po rtion of the electronic decision-making practice. The Little-Known Secrets to Resume Keyword Scanner Applicants are somewhat more confident to reject work offer instead of a better one. Then you're able to send applicants to the website to permit them to apply online. Each applicant receives their very own personalized candidate profile. New Questions About Resume Keyword Scanner How you format your resume also plays a crucial function in the ATS approach. Just remember to find it possible to fit all content on a single page. Therefore, when you have a resume that isn't in an ATS-friendly format, it is probable you won't be contacted for an interview. Following standards isn't nearly job titles and text layout. Unless you are in possession of an excellent reason to broaden your variety, the below success verbs can cover most bullets you'll be able to consider. Therefore, if you opt to use more action words, examples an always simple to discover. Moreover, it isn't about how you wish to apply your skills, it's about how the business needs you to apply them. This means that you're on the market for 25 or so verbs. Want to Know More About Resume Keyword Scanner? Keyword Organization Software permits you to group together relevant and associated keyword phrases. As an extra bonus, our keyword tool is wholly free! Google's keyword tool is ready to capture a substantial volume of online traffic and keyword variations, which makes it the go-to keyword generator for many. This absolutely free software tool permits you to discover hundreds of keywords to use in your search advertising campaigns. This guide goes over how it is possible to utilize Keyword Planner to find search volume data and find new key phrases that are related to your company. If you're narrowly focused on just one industry, then you need to include that in your resume keywords research initially. Press the Scan button and you will immediately see a list of all of the keywords in the work description which are not in your resume. Write the main keywords at the peak of your resume or at least on the very first page. The Basic Facts of Resume Keyword Scanner A reader searching for a random book is attracted by means of a cover design that's pleasing to the eye. When you haven't filled the need yet, I may be in a position to give you a hand. If you blindly apply to get a work online, there's a great chance nobody is going to look at your resume, at least during the very first round. From time to time, going right to the source helps.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Foolproof Resume Design Templates Strategy

The Foolproof Resume Design Templates Strategy Fortunately, you don't need to design a resume from scratch each and each time you choose to make an application for a position. It's possible to introduce dot points under each work title too in case you prefer. No matter whether it's short with regard to content, what's important is it can showcase everything that is able to help you receive a callback for an interview. Not to mention the simple fact our templates are professionally done from scratch so that you're able to personalize them according to your preference. Resume Design Templates Options Your information is presented using infographic style and you'll also have bonus icons you could use in your resume. Utilizing the right resume format is crucial in quickly draw in the interest of a prospective employer. It's a clean creative resume for private use. It's simple to use and absolutely yours for free for your private use! Life After Resume Design Templates Regard less of what your creative profession, you're using your creativity towards an end objective. Still, it is a very good concept to make your resume reflect your perfect work atmosphere. Always keep in mind that the abovementioned technical skills can enable you to be more preferred by your prospective employer in comparison to your competitors. Men and women utilize all types of resume templates using different type of design approaches, but ultimately it's always likely to come to the simple fact that your resume should convey a very clear message above your skills, your experience, and also why you'd be the ideal candidate for the position. The Benefits of Resume Design Templates Should you need a resume template which allows you to discuss your abilities and creative talents from a deep perspective, you will enjoy exactly what this template offers. This free resume template includes an easy and minimal design. The template is not hard to edit. These templates are designed to be clean-cut and right to the point. Surely, you don't need to bore your prospective employer with lifeless simple resume. A creative resume can also be handy to receiving the interest of recruiters. Fantastic for everybody to promote their very best skills and receive a dream job. Everyone hopes to put on an opportunity to impress potential new employer at a job interview, but there's no denying that interviews can be quite stressful! Begin your resume with a strong profile that summarizes precisely what you have to give and why you'd be the very best person for the job. It's not worth to shed a job you've always desired. As an additional bonus, you also receive a work interview tracker that will help you keeping track of passed and upcoming job interviews. Including an expert photo of yourself is a wonderful idea for creative resumes. Business cards are also included to finish the look. The cover of the page is intended to hold a terrific huge photo of you, so be certain that you are in possession of a good shot of yourself to use. There are lots of free resume templates readily available online but sometimes it can be quite challenging to select the best one that is most suited to you. Top Choices of Resume Design Templates With a minor tweak in wo rk hunt strategy, you'll be able to alter the pace of your career. Get exploring and you might be spotting something you feel is going to earn an effect on your job seeking process. When applying to a particular company, it is also possible to research their merchandise and their present-day situation to look for hints about what is going to matter most to them. When you're asking for a job which relies on the strengths of the person, you require a resume template you may inject a little more personality into to make it pop'. You can construct your own resume and brand set in a couple of measures and easily customize to your own logo and screen design illustrations. If you are searching for some ideas, there are a lot of readymade artist resume templates online. If you are looking for an easy but gorgeous design that's guaranteed to appeal to any hiring manager than you are in right location. In the event you're trying to promote your services and wish to have the ability to create a terrific first impression of your personality, definitely think about a template supplied with a business card. Creative Resume Content Whichever creative resume design you pick, the content has to be no problem to find and logically organized. Job seeking can be a really challenging job. You will be able to download your favourite template for a PDF immediately, or you're able to download all your details so that you are able to edit them in Word or Google Docs. You could also see Modern Business Resume Templates One of the absolute most important things to keep in mind while writing a resume is that it's not an autobiography. There are lots of free creative resume templates you may use, permitting you to focus your energy on everything else you should do. The web has affected people's reading behavior over time. Get in contact with your folks even should you not should have money! It's fast and simple to use. As you can show, you find it possible to take your information and extend it in a wide selection of methods. Make certain your contact information is clear, prominent, and simple to read. All About Resume Design Templates The upcoming free resume template was made in the shape of a brochure. You may download the resume template free of charge and can readily edit the template using Microsoft word. The template was made by A distinctive and modern resume template with experience timeline in addition to education timeline. Sometimes all you will need is a traditional style template that's clean, clear and right to the point.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Amazing Resume Examples

Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Amazing Resume Examples Top Amazing Resume Examples Secrets Even if you're sending your resume to a business in the exact segment, the man or woman who will read it for the very first time may not have any technical expertise. Volunteer experience is also a wonderful add-on to healthcare resumes since it shows the hiring manager which you have compassion off the work too. Most free templates are made to be specific to certain industries, so it's well worth browsing through the choices available that suit the work sector you wish to work in. You also ought to share your customer service abilities. Customer service is an essential element in many jobs and it's crucial that you concentrate on that in your resume. It's very probable that you will wind up sending your resume via email to the majority of companies. What You Need to Know About Amazing Resume Examples Mention how you heard about the business and the opening, and mention how your particular abilities and experience is going to be a good fit in their opinion. Make sure as you're listing experiences to begin with the latest experience and work back from that point. Just concentrate on the experience gained at the occupations you've had. New skills aren't simple to prove if you haven't used them yet. In other words, resume templates can provide you that professional look which will help to boost your likelihood of winning an interview to land that dream job you're applying for. Whatever showcases your work in action is a great point to add to your resume. Another page is acceptable, but anything past another page will likely be ignored. Not only are the images gorgeous, but the simple fact that Paula Del Mas took the opportunity to find a booklet printed shows that she's clearly keen to go the additional mile. In terms of technical jargon, do not automatically think that the employer will understand what you are speaking about. Seems like a no-brainer, but you'd be amused to discover the sum of people who lie in their resumes. 11 Wonderful IT Resume Examples LiveCareer The huge majority of persons are left asking your self how they will need to format and compose a resume pattern that can be noticed by the possible firms. The Lost Secret of Amazing Resume Examples Deciding upon a design and resume layout is important for your work. Abstract is free resume template that is designed for your private use. Excellent templates will also direct you through the resume-building procedure, which is particularly beneficial if you're new to the procedure for building an effective resume. Cost-free Qr code resume template for virtually any work seeker. Resume templates that you locate on the internet may do the job. No cost visual resume template that have cover letter. Cost-free printable resume template with creative and easy design. Get the Scoop on Amazing Resume Examples Before You're Too Late Yes, there's a whole lot of choice but not all them are likely to be fit for your demands. Unless you happen to be a graphic designer looking for employment, there's no need to over think the plan of your one-pager. A great resume demonstrates the sort of person that you are. Understanding how to start can be the largest challenge and looking at examples can be quite useful. To compose a compelling, effective executive resume, you should start by not even contemplating the format you will be using. Limit your resumes to a single page if you're able to. Creating your resume has never been simpler! Notice how the example resumes are extremely specific when it has to do with technical skills.